Collecting and updating of GIS-Data

Wolfgang Stössel
Gruppe III 4 ATKIS
Bayer. Landesvermessungsamt
Alexandrastraße 4, 80538 München
Tel.: 0049/89-2129-1670 Fax: 0049/89-2129-2-1670
E - mail:


ATKIS is the Authoritative Topographic Cartographic Information System of Germany. In Bavaria ATKIS was set up and is updated in accordance with the uniform guidelines agreed upon by all 16 German federal states.

In 1999 the data capture for the ATKIS DLM25/1 (object feature catalogue version I) were finished. In Bavaria quite a big number of object of the version II and III were included in the first stage already. Geocoded street names are so important for a modern GIS that their collection had been started in1998 and were finished at the end of 2001. In the middle of 2001 the collection of the features of stage II were started and is supposed to be finished in about 5 years time.

In 1999 the so called high priority updating of the GIS-data were introduced. Important features like main roads and streets are updated with an update rate of three months, less important features with an rate of 6 respectively 12 months. To achieve this, it is tried to obtain as many as possible information on changes in a digital way straight from the authorities who are causing the changes e.g. road construction authorities or municipalities. Additionally, local topographers were installed. They are in charge of a defined part of Bavaria and get the necessary information on changes directly from the local authorities. They carry out field surveys if necessary normally by use of kinematic GPS. Changes of housing and industrial areas can be derived from the very up-to-date digital cadastral maps maintained by 79 Regional Surveying Offices.

At the end of 2002 the first stage of collection of geocoded postal addresses (single house numbers) will be finish. Based on the digital cadastral map and the automated land registry that information is extracted in a semi-automated way. There is a great demand for that addresses within the GIS-community.

Projects have been carried out to test remote sensing data e.g. the high resolution imagery from the IKONOS satellite or the SAR-data from for its possible use in updating GIS-data.

Besides the digital landscape model a brief overview of the newest developments of the digital terrain model, the digital orthophoto and the digital topographic map will be given.

The paper was not available at the time of the proceeding's deadline (Příspěvek nebyl do uzávěrky sborníku dodán)