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Geoinformation technologies challenges

VSB – Technical University of Ostrava campus, the New Hall building, Ostrava, Czech Republic, January 24-26, 2011

The aim of the workshop is to bring together experts of geoinformation technologies that are interested in design and development of geoinformation technologies and technical background necessary for making geoinformation technologies more efficient. During the workshop we would like to discuss challenges that bring new technologies in the area of geoinformation. The workshop is mainly focused on systems' interoperability that allows system integration inside an enterprise or across countries. The interoperability is based on open standards that are implemented in open source software or in closed source software. This workshop should identify tools (closed source software, open source software, open languages, open standards) that can be used for building geoinformation systems in open interoperable way and identify white areas that bring challenges for developers. For example, we have tested several tools for dynamic orchestration of geoweb services and the results from our research show that there is no tool available that can be directly used for this area. One of the workshop's targets is to show such areas that should be researched and filled with new software or new software components. Another problem, that is related with geoinformation technologies, is the efficiency. For example, even that we have better hardware, the systems, that are in use, are not fast enough to give results in a time requested by user. The workshop should discuss which technologies can be used to speed up current software (cache, better rendering algorithms, new data structures, new data models) and make software reliable (monitoring, logging, self learning systems). There are still areas, that are not well discovered, such as grid computing for spatial enabled applications, loosely coupled integration or knowledge based integration. We hope that this workshop can prepare good conditions for discussion of the mentioned areas and prepare some recommendations for developers.