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Advances in Spatial Modelling

VSB – Technical University of Ostrava campus, the New Hall building, Ostrava, Czech Republic, January 24-26, 2011

The workshop aims at delivering the recent knowledge about the advances in spatial analyses and modelling, emphasizing the benefits of Geographic Information Science. The workshop has also ambition to go beyond the GIS, and be open for other fields of modelling to initiate a cross-subject discussion. The workshop should provide a round table for experts to present and discuss their recent achievement; as well as for students and other practitioners to improve their understanding of spatial modelling issues. Three workshop`s sections are aimed at theoretical aspects of spatial modelling; applied environmental modelling; and socio-economy and technical systems modelling. The theory-focused section pays attention to the introduction of new methods or novel use of standard methods. The section is open to theoretical papers on spatial statistics, geostatistics, spatio-temporal modelling, relief analysis and other fields of spatial science. The Applied Environmental Modelling section focuses on case studies on climatology, hydrology and water management, forestry and agriculture, landscape ecology, etc. Social-economy and technical systems section primarily aims at urban geography; transportation, mining industry, oil and gas industry. Global studies attracting a broader audience, such as climate change; environment deterioration; forest fires, floods, windstorms and other hazards; human health; etc., are especially welcome. Local or subject-too-specific studies without clear message to broad audience will not be supported as oral presentations.