GIS Ostrava 2012
Surface models for geosciences
VSB – Technical University of Ostrava campus, the New Hall building, Ostrava, Czech Republic, January 23-25, 2012
Keynote lessons
- Dr. Christian Briese, TU Wien, AT (Profile) - "Airborne Laser Scanning - principles and applications"
- Dr. Xiaoye Liu, University of Southern Queensland, AUS (Profile) - "Accuracy of LiDAR-derived digital elevation model"
- Assoc. prof. Jaroslav Hofierka, University of Presov, SK (Profile) - "Analysis of topographic change using airborne, terrestrial, and laboratory lidar"
Under the auspices of
- AGILE - Association of Geographic Information Laboratories for Europe
- ISPRS - International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
- CAGI - Czech Association for Geoinformation
- SAGI - Slovak Association for Geoinformatics
- Prof. Ivo Vondrák, CSc.,
Rector of VSB – Technical University of Ostrava
- Prof. Vladimir Slivka, CSc., dr.h.c.,
Dean FMG VŠB-TU Ostrava
Main sponsors

Proceedings and publications
All papers has been reviewed and accepted are available in electronic proceedings. The printed proceedings will be issued shortly after the symposium. The proceedings will be sent for registration in Web of Science – Conference Proceedings Citation Index, Thomson Reuters.
Selected papers will be published in journal