VŠB - TU OSTRAVA, 27. - 30. 1. 2008

Abstract of paper No. 4
Author(s): Ippolitov, V.

At present geoinformation technologies and Earth observing data become widely used tools for decision making support in different spheres of human activity. At the same time today remotely sensed data can be received directly from satellite to standard MS Windows based personal computer. The tendency and vital requirements of today is to change use of remotely sensed data from research to practical applications in different spheres of human activity. Monitoring of the Earth from space requires access to different types of RS Data, their regular real-time reception and technological possibility to process and to make available for analysis in near-real time mode for decision making support. UniScan ground stations enable to acquire images from both optical (Terra, Aqua, IRS-1C/1D, IRS-P6, IRS-P5, SPOT 2, SPOT 4, EROS A, EROS B, Resurs-DK1) and radar (RADARSAT-1, Envisat-1) satellites with spatial resolution from 1 km to 0.7 m. Such network requires new licensing approach; relationships between regional ground stations, worldwide mission Operators and ScanEx as a representative of EO missions in Russia and CIS; unified technology of data storage and processing. ScanEx founded in Russia independent, commercial network of UniScan ground stations, covering almost all vast territory of Russia, in order to provide RS data based information products for governmental, commercial, educational organizations and private sector. Nowadays RS data in Russia are used in federal (on the level of all Russia) projects in forestry monitoring (Russian Federal Forestry Agency), oil pollutions detection (oil companies), ice charting in Arctic and Far East seas (AARI), monitoring of automobile routes building (Ministry of Transport), disaster management (Ministry of disaster management of Russia), solving of transboundary disputes (regional administrations) and other in order to decision making support. ScanEx offers projects of geo-portals for different regions of Russia. As a prototype of such geo-portals ScanEx offers website At present data for Moscow and Rostov-on-Don regions are available with spatial resolution of 6 m (IRS) for the whole regions and with 1 m (Ikonos) for cities. Geo-portal functionality will be added with different social services to allow users to introduce and edit the inputs themselves: to lay routes, add photos and GPS-tracks on the map, etc. The services to lay out itinerary points, to measure distances and square areas, as well as to search for towns by their names, are already available on the site. The basic difference of the New.Kosmosnimki project from its equivalents is in using of more spatial resolution and regularly updated images of the territory. Approach of use remote sensing technology, realizing in Russia demonstrates economic efficiency, technological unification of the chain for RS images acquisition, storage and processing, shortening time of access to images of the Earth from space, and enables integration of geoinformation technologies into everyday practice of regions and even separate enterprises.

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