About application

This web application was created within diploma thessis of Václav Fröhlich.Spatial Analysis of Expansion Changes of Invasive Neophytes Reynoutria spp. in Morávka Catchment. The diploma thessis deals about spatial distribution areas with knotweed plants in research years. The boundary of research area is defined in application. The full text of diploma thessis is available for download. The supervisor of diploma thessis was RNDr. Pavel Švec, Ph.D.


Data used in this application was created by RNDr. Pavel Švec, Ph.D. Publicated data describes spatial occurence areas with knotweed plants together with attributes desribes properties of areas with knotweeds. Data was created by GNSS mapping in 2007, 2009, 2013 and 2015 years. Was used autonomous method, which reached positional accurency about 10 meters. Areas were measured the occurence of knotweed or only point occurences, from which were created polygons later. Device Juno 3D from campany Trimble was used for GNSS measuring.

Requirements for running application

For proper functioning of this application is required to run the application from browser with javascript and HTML5 support.