Homework 5 - part 2

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Run the following queries in Oracle Application Express. Paste a copy of each query on a Microsoft Word document or notepad text file, save and return to your adjunct via email.

Section 6

  1. Fundamentals of Subqueries, Try It / Solve It 3, 4
  2. Single Row Subqueries, Try It / Solve It 4
  3. Multiple-row Subqueries, Try It / Solve It 3, 4
  4. Correlated Subqueries, Try It / Solve It 4

Section 7

  1. Insert Statements, Try It / Solve It 2, 3
  2. Updating Column Values and Deleting Rows, Try It / Solve It 1, 4, 5

Zpět na stránku úkolů - part 2

Zpět na stránku Oracle Academy