


Workshops and excursions

Introduction to Environmental Data Processing Using Machine Learning by Prof. Mikhail Kanevski, Institute of Earth Surface Dynamics, University of Lausanne

Nowadays there is a considerable increase in environmental data coming from different sources, including numerous monitoring networks, measurement campaigns and satellite images. In order to be efficiently used, these data have to be processed using powerful and automatic tools. Recently, Machine Learning (ML) algorithms, which are data driven, nonlinear and robust models for complex high dimensional data, have gained a great popularity in geo- and environmental sciences for solving data processing problems. The tutorial presents an introduction to basic ML models (artificial neural networks of different architectures and statistical learning theory) along with the demonstration of their applications for real environmental data. Some important topics of general interest – predictability, complexity and automatic data processing, are presented as well.

The tutorial is based on the book: Kanevski, M., A. Pozdnoukhov, and V. Timonin, Machine Learning for Spatial Environmental Data: Theory, Applications and Software. EPFL Press, Lausanne, 2009.

GeoWeb with GeoServer (guarantee Jan Růžička, VSB-TUO)

The workshop is focused on building GeoWeb infrastructure with GeoServer. GeoServer in its core functionality is able to serve geodata according to Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) specifications such as Web Map Service (WMS), Web Feature Service (WFS), Web Coverage Service (WCS) and Web Map Tile Service (WMTS). Participants will be guided how to publish simple geodata according to WMS, WFS and WMTS specifications. GeoServer has optional extensions available to extend its functionality to serve geodata, metadata and processes according to another OGC specifications such as Catalogue Services for Web (CSW) or Web Processing Service (WPS). There are other extensions that can for example allow to exntend GeoServer capabilities according to INSPIRE requirements. Participants will be guided how to install and use extenstions for CSW, WPS and INSPIRE capabilities.



Path to JAVA_HOME: C:\Program Files\Java\jre7

CSW plugin

WPS plugin

INSPIRE plugin



Sightseeing tour Ostrava (i.e. industrial heritage and architecture, new city centre)

Terrain Morphology and influence of mining

The tower of church St.Peter from Alcantara close to Karvina is inclined more than the famous Leaning Tower of Pisa. Originally built on the hill, the church has subsided by 38 m and now it is situated on the border of recently created pond. This is one of the impacts of underground mining in the Coal Mine Upper Silesian District. The rapid changes of terrain, changes of hydrological networks, changes of groundwater regime, inundations, landslides and infrastructure destructions accompany mining activities. The excursion provides a unique opportunity to see dynamic changes of surface models in situ.

The programme includes visits of the church St.Peter from Alcantara, several inundations, micromorphological changes, landslides, broken roads, salinization, prognosis of terrain development and modelling of water regime changes.